2010-12-23 - Woodsy Path


~5 miles @ ~9 min/mi

No creatures great or small, no fowl of air nor beast of earth are out today, as I run near sunrise along the snaky loop through the woods — until after my fourth and final breakneck lap, when a gray fox trots across the path. Although the temperature is only freezing the gusty breeze adds challenge. "Brave man!" a person entering the office building says as he sees me heading out. "Foolish!" I correct him. The blacktop jogging trail is beautifully clean of snow, with a light dusting of salt and only a few small icy patches, easily avoided, on the side farthest from the gate. I wear two pairs of shorts and two shirts along with gloves, and so don't suffer much chill once slower laps are finished. Mile splits according to the markers: 9:35 ⇒ 8:55 ⇒ 8:06 ⇒ 7:09.

^z - 2010-12-31